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For ages I kept looking at the two small irritable spots on my arm. One was bigger than the other. And I kept on thinking about my young years when the savage southern hemisphere sun beat down on my fair skin. Sometimes I got brown - the maximum fit-in cool factor back in the days when cooking your skin was stylish. But many times I got acutely burnt...and put up with it because the popular thinking back then was 'no pain Mike Richter Jersey , no gain.' And as I looked at these two small raised and crusty marks each about the size of a grain of rice, I decided to do something about them. So I went to Dr Google. Oh yeah, discerning choice. According to the charts and photos there, I was OK. No cancer melanoma. Whew. But a year later one had gotten a little larger, and the other stayed the same. "You should do something about it," nagged my wife charmingly. "What if Google isn't right?" Unlike my wife, who is invariably ALWAYS right. So I did do something about it, cautiously, at a dermatology clinic. Sitting, waiting, while mothers fussed over their kids, and men my age sat resignedly. Then comfort. It turns out the growing patch was benign. And the other one - the stable patch I wasn't at all concerned about - was cancerous. Ah, I know nothing. My zero time at medical school should have pointed that fact out to me. And I now have a small pea sized red spot after surgery on my forearm to call attention me how I really got it wrong. I learned something else. The doctor said I have to use an SPF30 sun block on my exposed face and hands for the rest of my life So two days ago while my wife and I were at the airport farewelling one of our daughters I dropped in to an upmarket skin care store at the terminal I was a little afraid though. My fear was embarrassment. My concern was ending up like Australian cricket legend Shane Warne, going through the cosmetic transformational stages as he used girlfriend Liz Hurley's skin care products. He looks a bit weird now, like a rubbery Ken & Barbie doll. But needs must, so a couple of days later here I am with a much smoother looking face. And hopefully I'm also guarded against the ravages of nature. Two benefits for the price of two...because I needed 2 products to get what I wanted. What I did in my quest for healing was quite rare for me Tie Domi Jersey , a self confessed Mr Independent. Because, for the first time I took counsel from experts. Sure, I get experts to connect plumbing, install showers and lay tiles. But a lot of particular stuff I prefer to self-diagnose. I know best. Working on bowel cancer next. But as it turns out, I know less than I think - even with the mass of knowledge available out there online. The vigorous might of the google universe didn't help me. I had to visit experts. If you try and figure out your own lottery numbers, you run a similar risk. Many people have their favored methods, often decided by fate and superstition... birthdays, diagonals, odd and even randoms, hot and cold numbers (the biggest shell game in the history of lottery number-crunching), and many many more. You know nothing. That's why you need experts to cut through the info-clutter in lotto. You'll come across a few lottery systems if you look long enough. Most are bogus. Some are direct copies of mine. All are puzzling. Because numbers can be manipulated to mean anything. Here's what I put forward. You need to do 2 things to choose a system: 1. Find a system that shows results, and which... 2. ...has an expert author you can lay money on, I'll shortcut the process for comes with knowledge and endurance. My 20 years of success in the lottery tells you that quite speedily. My wife and I have just come back from a weekend seeing our daughter in Sydney, Australia. Our country, New Zealand, is about 3-and-a-bit hour's flying away Jeff Beukeboom Jersey , but the diversity between the countries is gigantic. Australia (or Oz as I'll call it from now on), is thousands of times bigger both in population and dimensions. Sydney's population is bigger than the total population of our country. Crikey! In Oz, it takes 40 minutes to get anywhere important - my daughter's standing joke - because everywhere is a long way from somewhere else. It's the same in any large country like USA, South America or Asia. Travel is long and takes forever. But there is an upside to all this grand size... the lottery jackpots in the bigger countries are very large. And you would think that your expectation of getting the main prize is better too. Not so. It's harder. That's because the number of players, balls and numbers are bigger, so the odds escalate in proportion. Now, I have ways around this... the Powerball System will improve your odds effectively for example, as will many other parts of my systems. But the cheapest way to get better advantage is a little-known secret... and it is this: Go for lower numbers. That means playing 5-ball games in lieu of 6 or 7. It means playing low numbers like 39, 40 or 42. You might struggle to find these lowball numbers. Game researchers know these figures too, and so we've recently seen an increase from 5-ball games up to 6. And they've also added more bonus balls, which also have the effect of enlarging odds and making it harder to win. But there is a silver lining to the problem. So I'm back at my desk this morning, pleased to be home, and with an extra twist...Our country's game is a 640... that's one of the lowest ballnumber combination around. And it sure helps my winning odds! Start your own low play by getting the Silver Lotto System http:tinyurllotto-rmp Then go for low and win big! Author's Resource Box Richard Petro has long been named an expert in Lotto and lottery systems. He has done considerable research on all the noted systems and knows which one is the best - the one he uses to win! Have a look here to learn his secret: http:tinyurllotto-rmp