Wood floor maintenance Raiders

Solid wood flooring, solid wood floor is a veritable science by drying, processed form of surface decoration materials. Because it cool, make it feel good features bedroom, living room, study, etc. ideal material surface decoration. Although the price more expensive than laminate flooring, but it revealed the distinguished atmosphere, as well as to bring the owner of the home to enjoy it on the market, sales diminished. Generally more afraid of damp wood floor, but is afraid of water, it is easy to be finished. How to care for it, has become a lot of families will learn little knowledge. Today small will take you about science solid wood flooring in place when maintenance should pay attention to what and how to maintain the floor clean as new yet.
1, keep the floor dry, clean and avoid contact with large amounts of water. Not allowed to use alkaline, soapy water and other corrosive liquid to clean, so as not to damage the paint film can be wiped with a wrung cotton mop, wipe with a damp mop is not available, gasoline, flammable materials and high-temperature fluids.
2. If you are not careful when pouring water on the ground or omission must be promptly wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth. You can not directly make clean after sun exposure or baking furnace, in order to avoid excessive drying. Floor dry.
3, wet ground floor, especially on the first floor, basement, before laying wooden flooring needs, do grassroots waterproof layer, laying, sheet preferably waterproof paint brush off beforehand.
4, or humidity of the rainy season, the best open dehumidifiers, air conditioning dehumidifiers to control humidity. Of course, it holds many lessons can desiccant to divinity.
5. If there is penetration of the walls, wetting phenomena, need to check the source immediately, otherwise avoid losses.