August 13-15, 2012 at the Congress-Centrum Ost Koelnmesse

In addition, Runeacape game Insight's vice president of business development, Darya Trushkina, will explain why developers should always be looking to get their Runeacape games on as many platforms as possible. In "Cross-Platform Mobile Runeacape game Development: What, Why, and How Much?," Trushkina will reference Runeacape game Insight titles like Mystery Manor and Paradise Island to demonstrate the best and worst ways to ensure your Runeacape game will work across multiple platforms.Of course, these new talks join a number of other sessions featured in the Smartphone Tablet Runeacape games Summit. Other talks at the show include a detailed examination of mobile Runeacape game audio, a session from Beat Sneak Bandit's Simogo on breaking away from industry trends, a postmortem on Wooga's popular Diamond Dash for iOS, and a sponsored session on why mobile devs should keep an eye on the Blackberry platform.For more information on any of the above sessions, or to check out the full lineup at this month's GDC Europe, be sure to check out the show's official Schedule Builder.Those interested in attending GDC Europe have roughly a week to secure their standard-cost pass for the Runeacape gamescom co-located event via the show's online registration page. The show itself will take place Monday through Wednesday, August 13-15, 2012 at the Congress-Centrum Ost Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.For more information on GDC Europe, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS. In this reprinted altdevblogaday opinion piece, Itzy Interactive's Kyle Kulyk shares his cynical view on the mobile marketplace, and explains why it's difficult for some developers to not choose the freemium business model.What choice did we have?When we started Itzy Interactive a little over a year ago, we were already too late. Developers has already undercut each other's prices on the app store to the point where all Runeacape games were already pretty much in the $1-2 dollar range, and the freemium pricing model of giving away a Runeacape game for free and earning revenue from in-app purchases had already taken root.It was a bit like pulling up to the starting line after the race had started, and you're informed that everyone has already piled up in a spectacular crash in the middle of the racetrack but you go ahead anyway. There we were, all shiny and new, ready to go and determined to make our mark and hopefully pay our bills in the process.When we launched Itzy3d we knew right from the start that freemium was the direction we would go with this and future releases. Our second title, Vex Blocks, is also planned as a freemium release. The reasons just made sense to us and still do.As a small indie team our resources are limited. When it comes to marketing our products, we simply don't have a lot of options available to us due to our financial constraints.We've spoken to other developers who have been successful in the mobile marketplace and a few of them maintain that paying for ads simply doesn't pay. Certainly the response we've seen to the ads we ran in an attempt to test the waters back this up.The increased visibility and downloads we received when running our mobile ad campaigns simply did not pay for the money spent on those ads. Social marketing through our Facebook, Twitter and blogging efforts probably put just as many eyes on our products and didn't cost us anything but our time.So that leaves really only two other factors that we have any control over as indie developers: the Runeacape game we're creating and the price point we choose for that Runeacape game.Now Runeacape game quality is an interesting topic. We're not so arrogant as to assume our Runeacape games will be of the same calibre as Runeacape games made by more experienced teams, or made by larger teams with millions at their disposal. So we endeavor to make the best Runeacape games we can possibly make given our talents and the resources available to us, and that's all that can be expected of us.We're not operating under any illusion that we'll create the next runaway hit.