the success of the franchise its hard to believe that Gearbox won't go back

There's a point where it's like, 'What should the next Borderlands be? Should there be another Borderlands, and what should it be?' We had that discussion and there was this weird mixed bag. On one level it's like, 'Whoa'. If you're going to do something that's called Borderlands 3 and it's going to be done in this next-generation environment, there's a whole bunch of ideas that come around of what has to happen in order for that to live up to what that needs to be. He added that 2K Australia developing? Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel? has “changed the nature of the pressure of what? Borderlands 3 had to be for us.” Pitchford then said,“If there's going to be a? Borderlands 3and what that would be… we imagined what that might be, and frankly it scared us. It's like, 'That's so crazy and so big that I'm not sure we can succeed'.”Pitchford also continued on Twitter: Easy to be excited with the ~idea~ of BL3. But creative priorities vs expectations needs respect – nuance that quote-mining destroys. Borderlands 3 is not currently in development, but given the success of the franchise its hard to believe that Gearbox won't go back to it at some point.What would you want in a potential Borderlands 3? Let us know in the comments.Ubisoft downgrades runescape game's image quality to make HD remaster look better by comparison? Update: The original source for the promotional comparison image has yet to be found. Some (including TotalBiscuit and users on Reddit/NeoGAF) are surmising that it was created by a Polish runescape game website and is not official promotional material from Ubisoft.Update 2: It seems the comparison image in question originated from Ubisoft Poland's Facebook page and may be a regional error. An additional site containing the image is here. Apparently the image originated on Ubisofts Polish Facebook page, so it looks like a regional error. This article will be further updated should new information arise.The original story is below: Ubisoft just can't shake controversy when it comes to their current and upcoming runescape game releases. Last month, it was? Assassin's Creed Unity. This month (to a lesser degree), it's? The Crew. Now, controversy surrounding the company's upcoming HD remaster of? Heroes of Might and Magic III has arisen, much to the dismay of the gaming community.It appears that in a recent promotional shot for Ubisoft's? Heroes of Might and Magic III: HD Edition contains comparisons of the runescape game's HD treatment to what the original runescape game supposedly originally looks like.However, users on NeoGAF have posted what the original runescape game actually looked like, as opposed to Ubisoft's interpretation in their promotional images, revealing that Ubisoft has, in fact, downgraded the original runescape game's image quality presumably be rendering it at a much lower resolution than it can actually be run at in order to make its HD remaster look much better by comparison.